Pastures new. Well revisted. And help needed, if I may…

OK. So here’s the news. I’ve decided what my book is going to be about. Since I’m an expert in it, according to my CV, and I’m a doctor, the consensus from people in literary world who shall remain anonymous, is that I should write about it.

So, bigging myself up is the easy bit. Then I actually have to think about what it’s going to consist of. So I went back to basics and got out all my books about how to write a non-fiction proposal. I’ve done it before and been successful. This time it will be even better because I’m published. What can possible go wrong?

The answer is: nothing! It’s all going swimmingly. I’ve written the contents and chapter outlines, I even know what the sub headings of the chapters will be. It’s all turned into a lovely, ordered piece of work that I just know I will enjoy writing so much.

But I do need some help. What do you think identity is? What does it mean to you? What about identity crisis? Have you ever had one? I’d really love to hear you ideas about this, if I use them in the book I will credit you and but anonymize the comments.

In the meantime, I’ll be writing as if my life depends on it, all about who we are.

1 thought on “Pastures new. Well revisted. And help needed, if I may…”

  1. Jeez Jacqui, I’m in awe of you! You’re so disciplined. It would take me a month of Sundays to plan anything like this. I don’t think I can answer the Identity question though, since I’ve never thought I had one, let alone knew what one was. Daredn’t even begin to wonder what that means. Please don’t tell – I don’t need any more worries!

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